Platinum MultiMedia

Smart home design and install experts for over 20 years. Proudly serving the Dallas, TX area.

Design & Install

After over 20 years working at the bleeding edge of the industry, we've experienced what works and what doesn't work. Which equipment and techniques lead to the most stable system, and how to fit your vision in any budget. Learn more about all the services we offer!


We believe your investment in your home should last as long as possible. Firmware updates, system compatibility, and accumulating internal dust that can overheat or even static-shock equipment can all pose threats to your investment if not safely cared for. Check out our Preventative Maintenance Program and let us handle everything!

Preventative Maintenance Program

Keep your system stable and long-lasting

Enjoy total control over your home

More features do not have to come at the cost of stability or ease-of-use. Have it all!


Dim the lights of the room you're in, schedule the curtains to close at night, or turn on the lights outside from your vacation spot! All from your phone or in-house control panels.


Surveillance cameras and alarm systems with remote monitoring provide peace of mind. Plus, you can do it without the huge monthly bills of a monitoring company.


Easily play music in any room of your home or on the patio. Control the playlist and volume from anywhere. In the theater room? Use one remote to route any video device to any TV.


All this control is not hard to use, we make sure of it. We'll customize your control system to fit your system and lifestyle,  and make sense to you.

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